Your Winning Plan

Planning is one of the MOST important skills in chess! Learn how to read the chess board and plan like the PROs (click on the picture below to buy)


The course ”YOUR WINNING PLAN” GM Smirnov has delivered again a product of high quality. The videos give you a clear visual explanation is supported by key phrases and diagrams and of course discussed the key concepts illustrated by reference to relevant games fragments. Also there is an full transcript of the lessons so you can easily make a summery adapted to your needs.
Planning is the most important thing in chess. It is also the hardest part of the royal game. The middle game is the most complex stage of a chess game. The number of possibilities is enormous. A consistent continuation is only possible with good planning. Planning is the cement that makes the bricks (your moves) solid as a whole.
In the course ”YOUR WINNING PLAN” is not a concatenation of vague generalities or in-depth analysis of positions with endless variations as in many books. In this courses you get clear practical recommendations to help channel your thoughts in each position. It is an systematical approach that guides your thinking process. There is not only attention for pure technical aspects but also for psychological skills. For practice this planning skills there a lot of relevant and varied tasks.
Before I had studied the course ”YOUR WINNING PLAN” I was not sure in complicated positions when and where I would advance my pawns. Now I know exactly what to do. The 18th century chess master Philidor once say "The pawns are the soul of chess". Thanks the concrete recommendations of the course ”YOUR WINNING PLAN” I can give my pawns a soul in my games.
The courses of GM Smirnov are of a high level. Yet your skill level must not very high at this time to understand all because ever ting is very clearly explained. So you need not fear that some things you can not follow because things are not explained because they are “trivial”. So do not be intimidated by the fact that Igor Smirnov is a grandmaster. Besides a good chess player Igor Smirnov also a very good teacher.
With the third course ”YOUR WINNING PLAN” the Remote Chess Academy of GM Smirnov is getting shape.
Werner Poets, Belgium

"The more I study your Course, and the more I realize that your work is very very good and unique."
Giulio Cremonese (Italy):
First, the more I study your Course, and the more I realize that your work is very very good and unique. There are several reasons that confirm it:
1) Speaking with other players (including expert), nobody has a so clear vision of how to think before a move. They have some good ideas and some not so good.
2) Searching for educational material: there are a lot of stuff, but I never see anything that clearly explains how to think.
3) Your work is easy to understand and easy to memorize. Usually in other stuff I found a lot of strategic concepts. All of them are right, but they are too much to remember and TO APPLY during the game! 
4) The focus is on improve our skills and not on memorizing thousands of tactical position. The study on chess demonstrated the reason of difference of strength between a GM and a amateur. The GM thinks less but better! So the amateur must improve his method of thinking move by move, and with your course we do that hundreds of times! That literarly changes our mind move by move.
5) I feel that every time I play a new game I am more confident in the mental process and I get better moves.
That is a subjective sensation, that's right, but I never got a similar sensation.
Best regards.
Giulio Cremonese

"I find your courses the most illuminating!"
Vladimir Dragovic (Serbia):
I find your courses the most illuminating.
i took GM secrets first, and when i saw how you speak about simplicity of the chess without excluding beutyfull complexity of the game, but somehow enchancig it with clarity, i was astound. it was as if i can finnaly see clearly.
so i purchased all of your courses and i began studying. i go slowly and steadily.
i played with few people and most of them where outplayed. i will go to some chess club very soon, i am eager to atend some tournament or some chalinging play...
best regards,
p.s.:please keep the good work you are doing, i think that the way you are teachig chess is making the big difference in perceiving the game which is the basics for even deeper understanding and chess playing

Igor has studied pshycology and he knows a very efective way to make you learn."
Kesaris Aggelos (Greece):
I have read for a long time chess books, I have listen the most of chessbase dvds but I don't feel that I am realy improving. I continue to make this useless study until I find Igor Smirnov!
I learnt from him that it is usesless to lear all this theory and so many imformation about chess.
But next come the question: What i can do to improve in chess? What is that importand things that I can study? Where I can find them? Of corce they are not in books that we already read.
Igor's dvds is a good way to learn. The most importand thing is that Igor has studied pshycology and he knows a very efective way to make you learn. I still remember the red screan TO TAKE IS A MISTAKE and I still remember it every time that I want to exchnange a piece.
With Honore 
Kesaris Aggelos.

"My thanks to the brilliant author and great teacher! I am delighted with your's lessons."
Pawel Panas, Poland:
First of all this course is really excellent.
I know from my practice that detecting weaknesses in my opponent's position is relatively easy compared to finding the right way to attack them.
But Grandmaster Igor Smirnov shows exactly how to proceed in concrete situations on the board. Based on the concept of different types of centers he teaches us where to attack and how (you know: you need to attack to win :) ) 
and I find his instruction to be the best that I've seen.
His lecture is clear, precise and very well structured.
And perhaps most importantly: chess course Your Winning Plan it is complete and easy system of thinking that can be practiced with practical part.
I think it's great material for many hours of further training.
I read once that 'a good plan helps my pieces, a better plan helps my pieces and at the same time hinders the opponent's pieces but the best plan of all meets the needs of the position'.
GM Smirnov shows what it means "the needs of the position" and does it very well.
My thanks to the brilliant author and great teacher! I am delighted with your's lessons.