April 16, 2015

Endgame and middlegame essentials – introduction

In the previous article, I made the announcement that our Game Festival has started. And I also told you that I’d be announcing something interesting about the event in the following days. Therefore, today I’ll share that information with you. :)
There will be two stages in the contest. They are:
  • Stage-1: this stage will be conducted till 25 April – during this period, all participants will be submitting their annotated games.
  • Stage-2: from all the games submitted, we’ll be selecting the 10 best games, which will be awarded the prizes listed here: LINK
But how will we decide the order of the prizes of those 10 games?
We’ll not be deciding that. Instead, it will be YOU’ who will decide which game is to be rewarded with the 1st price and which game will receive the final prize! That’s great, isn’t it? :)
How it works? We’ll publish those 10 best games on our site; and then they will be listed for voting:)
Who can vote? Students of RCA, those who don’t qualify for stage-2, non-participants and even the RCA team members – of course, that includes me as well. If I like your game and your annotation, I’ll definitely cast my vote:)
WARNING: multiple votes from the same person (for instance, asking friends to vote for you) will simply lead to disqualification. If we suspect any such activity, we’ll disqualify that participant.
Results: and finally, according to the number of votes that each game has received, we’ll announce the winners:)
So the ‘stage’ has been set – it’s time for YOU to perform. Find your BEST game, annotate it and send it to academy@chess-teacher.com
For more information about the contest, please see here: LINK
Moreover, I informed you that our new guest coach GM Levan Aroshidze will be conducting his first webinar “Endgame and Middlegame Essentials” on 18 April at 3 p.m. GMT (check timings here: LINK).
GM Levan Aroshidze would like to talk with you before seeing you at his live session. Therefore, he has decided to give you an introduction to his webinar – he has created a very instructive video lesson for you. :)
You can watch the free video lesson below:

If you enjoyed the lesson, then don’t forget to attend his webinar as there are a lot more tips to learn. You can find more information about the webinar and join it by clicking the image below:

<<Join the webinar now>>

P.S. The seats are limited to 100 only. Some of the seats are already occupied by other students. If you wish to join, please do so now! And if you enjoyed the above video lesson, please share it with your friends and write your comments below! :)

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