July 1, 2015

GM Smirnov’s review about the new chess courses

We added a two guest author’s courses to our RCA Shop. They are “Play like Tal” and “Killer Dragon” by GM Simon Williams.
I’ve also studied these two new courses and today I’d like to share MY REVIEW of them.
GM Williams has a very entertaining style.
It’s enjoyable to study his lessons. He explains lots of typical plans and ideas – in different openings and various middlegame pawn structures.
The interactive training method is very useful. While watching the lessons, at critical moments you are given a chance to find the best move yourself. After that, you can see GM Williams explaining different options – both correct and incorrect ones. Hence, you can test and improve your own thinking process. I liked it a lot. :)
On the negative side, I’d say GM Williams’s explanations are not deep enough, compared to GM Sokolov or my courses (forgive me Simon :)). Still, you certainly can learn a lot of good ideas, while having a pleasant time by watching his friendly commentaries.

My review about “Play like Tal” course
Firstly, Tal is one of my favorite players. :) He’s the greatest master of attack, which is the most important skill you need in order to WIN chess games. The games presented in “Play like Tal” are both fascinating and useful.
I would not recommend this course to the expert-level player. But if you are below 2200 FIDE – the course will suite you perfectly.
CONCLUSION: I would definitely recommend that you study “Play like Tal” course. Attack is the most important skill you need, while Tal is the great player to learn it from. :)
My review about “Killer Dragon” course
It teaches you to play the Dragon variation of the Sicilian defense as Black. This is a very famous opening variation and the Classical Dragon happens after the moves: 1.e4-c5 2.Nf3-d6 3.d4-cd 4.Nd4-Nf6 5.Nc3-g6.
Dragon variation
In short, Dragon is a complicated but powerful opening. You need to invest quite some time learning it. It’s not that easy, and you should be aware of that. At the same time, the course “Killer Dragon” will make it much faster and easier for you.
After that, you’ll get a menacing weapon against White’s 1.e4 move. It provides you with plenty of attacking opportunities. You can crush even a very experienced opponent. So, that’s definitely great for you!
The course contains very detailed analysis and explanations of the Dragon variation. That’s why it suites any player who wants to master this opening. I’d say it’s most recommended for players from beginner till IM level.
CONCLUSION: Dragon is one of the good options to play against 1.e4 move, especially if you are an attacking player. If you’d like to learn it, “Killer Dragon” will make it much easier for you.

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