July 31, 2015

RCA student’s feedback

Recently, I received feedback from one of my students. The student has shared his amazing experience after he studied my courses and has even provided a couple of interesting games. I thought I could share this nice feedback with you. :) So let’s get started!
I’ve just purchased your new course and I can say that already I have a déjà vu feeling. The first course I bought was “The Grandmaster’s Secrets” (LINK). For some reason, it didn’t work for me. After a while, I thought I’d give your courses another try and bought “The GM’s Positional Understanding” (LINK) – and voilà!
My internet blitz rating went instantly +200 points and I haven’t even started to do the exercises yet. And I was very enthusiastic about purchasing your course “GM’s Opening Laboratory – 1” (LINK).improveI know it was criticised by a lot of your clients – that that specific course was not up to your high standards.
Let me tell you that it didn’t work for me either. BUT I had the same problem with “GM’s Secrets”, too. After studying the “GM’s Positional Understanding”, which I think goes more deeply into strategy than “GM’s Secrets”, I couldn’t explain to myself why I hadn’t been able to benefit from it at the beginning. I’m convinced that the main reason was that I hadn’t spent as much time with it.studySomeone said that chess is very easy to learn but very hard to master. Now I know that he was the “Hell of a right”. In one year, my game improved very fast; but I can also say that, in 2013, my chess development went backwards.
Let me provide two examples from my own games. Before I made a move, I always asked myself: “What kind of aggressive moves can my opponent make in my territory?
The first one is 45 min+10 sec; the second is a blitz game.
I was playing Black here and made the move 22…Re4? White attacked my bishop, so naturally I tried to find attacking moves. After visualising 22…Re4, I said to myself: “What aggressive move can he make on my half of the board?
Of course, I wasn’t able to see the move 23.Be2! – simply because it’s not on my half of the board. I played this game a year ago. Now after studying “GM’s Opening Lab 2” (LINK), it’s obvious for me that the move 22…Re4 is more than dubious,even if I didn’t see 23.Be2 instantly, because it restricts my bishop enormously. So now I would probably think much more before making my move or, in time trouble, I wouldn’t risk it at all.
It rings the bell – that first you should think in general; after that, you can go more deeply into the position. I needed to be told this 100 times to understand it. Anyway, from now on, I know that for me the right question to ask is: “What attacking move can he make?
And, of course, if my pieces are on his territory, first I should look there. Here is the next game:chessI was White and played 21.Rc7?
I’m probably losing already, but after this move it is 100% sure. Of course, I didn’t want the Black rook to land on b2 attacking my queen. I thought I could defend my bishop with 21.Rc7.With that move, I keep his rook from penetrating to my second rank and also put my rook on the seventh rank, and the fight might go on (it’s a blitz – there are only a few seconds left).
Anyway, I asked the question:“What aggressive move can he make on my half of the board?
confused But I didn’t find the obvious move 21…Qb6.
I’m very much aware that your courses must have different effects on various chess strengths people have.
Let me say that after studying “The GM’s Positional Understanding”, I could come to the conclusion by myself that the three (not two :)) most important principles most applicable to the opening stage are:
  • The least active piece
  • Maximum activity
  • The principle of centre.
chessboardLet me congratulate you, as you impressed me with “GM’s Positional Understanding” and you did so again with your “GM’s Opening Lab 2” (LINK). I’m very much obliged to you. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that these are your best courses. Your endgame, middlegame and calculation courses are all very strong, but I got the point from them instantly (check all RCA courses here: LINK).
I’m just telling you that I had to dig deeper into those principles and certainly wouldn’t have been able to do so without your help. One must really spend some time with them to let things sink in properly.successThis course has definitely deepened my strategic and planning skills as well. Life convinced me of the contrary. But let me thank you, again, for your wonderfully explained course.
A delighted student of yours, Zoltan
Thanks a lot for such wonderful feedback Zoltan. I’m very glad that my courses were essential for your improvement:) I wish you well-deserved success.

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