I have received a lot of feedback from you guys about the new course, “Unlocking the Grandmaster’s Mind” (LINK), both in comments and via our support. Thanks a lot for sharing your opinion! It’s important for me to know it.
Some students have enjoyed the new course, while others were unhappy that it was not done by me. Let me elaborate on this issue.
Well, of course, I’m very glad that my courses are so useful for you. Thanks for all the nice words you’ve written to me about it! I’ll definitely keep working on new lessons to support your chess advancement.
At the same time, I would NOT recommend that you limit yourself to my coaching solely. Every coach has his own areas of specialization.
For instance, recently we conducted the webinar by GM Dlugy about blitz play. Maxim is an extremely strong blitz player, who used to be on the top level for decades. Even though my online blitz rating is 3000+, it was very interesting for me to learn from GM Dlugy’s webinar.
Not too long ago, I invited GM Oleksienko, who is a true endgame expert, to conduct the webinar about rook endgames. Again, even for me, it was useful to review those rook endgame positions once again. I’m sure that for you it would be even more useful, as you might not have been aware of those important positions.
To conclude this idea, every coach has his strong side. You can learn the best practices from various teachers and therefore make “a super player” out of yourself!
It’s pleasant for me that you consider me as the best coach. Even if that is the case, why should you limit yourself to my coaching solely?
I have a very tight schedule. When I undertake private lessons, I can provide a dedicated, high-quality training to five students only.
Developing a new course requires several months of my hard work. It might take even longer, because I have other duties as well.
All in all, I’ll certainly continue creating new tutorials for you. I enjoy this work and am happy to support my students. Nevertheless, I can’t release new stuff that often. It will happen rather rarely, unfortunately.
At the same time, I do understand your disappointment with other coaches. They usually miss the key element – a system of thinking. BUT you don’t need it anymore, because you’ve already learnt it from my courses! You use only one system of thinking while playing a game; you don’t need more than one, right?
What you should do is:
- Continue practising and mastering the system of thinking presented in my courses (for instance, in “The Grandmaster’s Positional Understanding” (LINK)).
- While learning other tutorials, keep in mind that any rules you face are only more specific examples of the principles of item 1. Then you’ll learn new rules freely, while keeping your main system of thinking.
Apply this method to the new course, “Unlocking the GM’s Mind” (LINK), and you’ll learn a lot of useful stuff!
<<Get the course now>>
Let me emphasize the importance of the practical part of this course. It’s NOT something additional! It’s the CORE element of the course. This is where you trainand develop new skills. Just watching the videos will give you only about 30% of the overall effect. You need to perform the practical part diligently to obtain a full 100% effect.
By the way, talking about “Unlocking the GM’s Mind” specifically, the games from the practical part are HIGHLY instructive and useful. They were selected by the RCA team and I’ve enjoyed them myself very much. To conclude this point: study the practical part seriously – do NOT skip this step!
There’s a minor technical hint I’d like to share with you, additionally. Being a non-native English speaker, I know that at times it’s hard to understand live speech (in a foreign language). That’s why I always provide a text version of video lessons presented in my courses. I strongly recommend that you use it, especially if English is not your mother-tongue.
Otherwise you may go through the videos quickly, not fixing everything in your mind.
While observing text, you can do so slowly, paying attention to theimportant rules (highlighted by another colour). Therefore, you’ll remember things much better.
I’m wishing you an effective learning experience and nice victories! As usual, you are welcome to send any of your questions or feedback to me via our support (LINK) or in comments below.
To end this post, let’s test your skills in two interesting games played in the “Gibraltar Chess Festival”. It’s a really impressive open tournament that is now taking place in the United Kingdom.
Nakamura – Topalov
White’s turn
The two favourites in the tournament – Nakamura and Topalov – faced each other in the 6th round. White has the material advantage, but how to realize it most effectively?
Please think hard yourself first. You’ll find a link to the solution below.
Yu – Vazguez
White’s turn
It’s amusing that in the second top game of this round, the White player has used the same motif to score a victory. Can you find it?
Of course, you should not just offer a move but calculate the lines until the end.
Once you are ready – check these two commented games here: LINK
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